When I was younger, I loved road trips--and still do. However, I hated being in the hotel room too long with nothing to do. We would often end up watching TV which was pretty boring considering limited options. Sometimes, pools fill the gap. But, they aren't always an option. Here are some more ideas to help entertain the kids during hotel stays:
- Bring compact games: Ok, you do not want to waste space on a large game. However, having a compact game like a pack of cards can be beneficial during down times. Boggle,Yahtzee and Farkle are games that you can make particularly compact by ditching the box and storing them in a bag.
- Tell Ghost Stories: Turn your evening in the hotel into a camp out adventure and tell ghost stories. Bring along a flashlight for more fun. (Ok, you should already have one for safety. Also, pack extra batteries!)
- Play Pictionary or Charades: Both are pretty easy to do and don't require too many extra materials. Make sure to pack paper and pens. One of the great things about smartphones is that we always have timers on us!
- Travel planning: We use time at the hotel to check out our plans for the next day. We refine our plan of attack, check out food options and fill in gaps. Also, many hotels have brochures. So, you can pick some up and gather travel idea from those as well.
- Tea party: Most hotels these days offer tea or at the very least have a way to warm up water and brew your own tea. We always travel with a selection of teas as an easy to accommodate treat while away. You can even incorporate some special little treat you bring along. Or, enjoy reading while sipping tea. Either read a story out loud or everyone can read their own.
- Travel journals: This is the perfect time for kids to work on their travel journals. While the day is fresh in their memory, they will be able to put in more details than later down the road.
- Coloring--especially Mandalas: Bring some coloring materials along. I especially love Mandalas for older kids and adults. They take away and you can get quite creative coloring in the patterns.

I always build forts with my daughter with the bedsheets and any chairs or desks in the room. We leave large tips for housekeeping when we leave.