A Little Time and a Keyboard: Yes, I did it, I Became an Infomercial Mom

Yes, I did it, I Became an Infomercial Mom

Thursday, May 3, 2012

While my daughter is obsessed with infomercials (Hello, Pajama Jeans, I am talking about you!), I usually tune them out, realizing that my money is better spent else well. However, I have caved and am using a Topsy-Turvy to grow strawberries.

I have three strawberry plants and one cucumber plant that I denuded in it. I am planning on adding a couple to the top once some of my seedlings catch up. I guess we will see how this one works!

P.S. If you are looking for a gift for my daughter, Pajama Jeans, the Perfect Brownie Pan, and the Tasty Top Cake Pops will all work. You can leave the Wonder File off of the list. I think that she bought that for me for Mother's Day.

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