While assisting at a daycare years ago, I learned a neat craft for the Fourth of July. We used baby's breath dipped in paint to make "fireworks" on a piece of construction paper. I adapted this craft so that my daughter could have a fun art session this afternoon making fireworks!

For the craft, we used dark blue construction paper, various paints, and parts of different plants. We used our elements from nature to dip in the paint and create different splashes of color on the construction paper. As you can see from the picture, we tried to pick items that would create different designs on the paper. I thought that this project was a great way to show my daughter how you can manipulate objects to create some really cool, unexpected things--a way of thinking outside of the box.
Here are our creations:
This project is really easy and a fun way to use your imagination. We had fun surveying our yard for objects to make the best fireworks. Then, we had fun determining how to put our artwork together. We also did the project outside, so we were able to enjoy the weather! I am glad that I had this one in may bag of tricks--my daughter was occupied for quite some time!
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