Here are some ideas that usually keep us entertained:
Crafts: I have a stash of crafts that I can pull out for these occasions. From the stash, I usually pull out a few for my daughter to choose from or she will inevitably choose the most involved project. You can also check the web for ideas. I can usually find some ideas from Kaboose or Disney Family.
Library: A visit to the local library can often be at least an hour event for us. The Kids World area has a ton of activities for the kids including a puppet area, educational computer games, crafts, and a scavenger hunt. Add that to looking for books and we have eaten up a bunch of time. Check your local library--you may find a treasure trove.
Movie-a-thon: Normally, we do not like our little one to watch too much TV. However, for a treat, one option is to get together as a family and watch a bunch of movies. Or, you could pick a new TV series and watch a number of episodes from a season. Couple this with a sundae bar or funky popcorn creations and this will become quite the affair.
Make a Play: My brother, sister and I used to do this from time to time. We had fun decorating our own curtain and putting together props and costumes. I don't remember if we actually ever had an audience for our production, but we had a great time dreaming up our play.
Indoor Olympics: Come up with several challenges that can be done indoors such as a ring toss or balancing a ball on a spoon. Developing challenges may be as fun as doing the challenges!
Fashion show: You can create your own fashions or create fashions for each other. (My poor dogs have been models for several of these.)
Museums: When it is hot out, I like to try to go to some of the smaller, lesser known museums. The larger ones will most likely have large crowds. However, some of the smaller ones have plenty to do without the crowds.
Scrapbook: This is the perfect time to put together all of those piles of photos and mementos that have been gathering dust. I like to set up a scrapbooking activity for my daughter by providing her with some mementos we have collected, a scrapbook, glue, and some fun add-ons.
Science Experiments: Try some easy science experiments. You can find a bunch from Science Bob or Kids Science Experiments.
Go Out Early or Later: If you would like to get out, try to go out early before it gets a chance to get hot or go later in the day. Make sure to bring lots of water and don't forget the sunscreen.
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