A Little Time and a Keyboard: Out of the Mouths of Seven-Year-Olds

Out of the Mouths of Seven-Year-Olds

Monday, October 1, 2012

Image via stock.xchng
Maybe I should have paid a little more attention during Curriculum Night. I kind of mentally skipped over most things that my 7-year-old daughter would be learning in science this year and honed in on the unit on rocks. With a geology background, I was curious about what they would learn in second grade. The teacher told us that she spent many late nights getting the unit together. It sounded like she would be teaching them what I learned my first term in college. While I was pondering that, she must have mentioned something about life cycles. I was probably just thinking, "Ok, cool!"

Well, last week my daughter did it--she busted out the word "embryo." Not that I really have a problem with the word, but I was not expecting my daughter to use the word for another couple of years. She went on about us being embryos and asking if I had an embryo, trying to grasp the entire meaning of the word, her little mind working a million miles a minute.

Fast forward to the weekend--my daughter attended a birthday party for one of the girls in her class. With a united front, these little girls busted out the word again--"embryo!" This time, they were making fun of the birthday girl's father calling him a little boy, then a baby, and then an embryo.

The other parents also took a double take upon hearing the word. I guess none of us thought that our kids would learn about embryos so soon. What happened to our babies!

Lesson learned--my daughter is growing up and so is her little brain! Also, as that little brain is developing, be prepared for some interesting conversation topics. I am sure she is going to bust out a lot more things that I had no idea she was old enough to know!

1 comment

  1. I never gave my kids enough credit for their intelligence when they were younger, but don't worry they dumb down in their teens.
