A Little Time and a Keyboard: American Girl Event at Barnes and Noble {March}

American Girl Event at Barnes and Noble {March}

Sunday, March 3, 2013

American Girl and Barnes and Noble have partnered up for a special event in March for parents and their daughters. It is geared towards girls 8-years-old and up. The event is called "The Care and Keeping of You." The special event will help parents and daughters learn how to keep the lines of communication open. You can check Barnes and Noble's events page for more details. I noticed that some of the Barnes and Noble's in our area will have tea and treats with the event. I recommend calling your store to see if you need to register. Additionally, if you do not see your store listed, call the store to see if it is holding the event. Some of the stores do not post the events as often as others. Also, one of the stores (Spring Hills in Illinois) is having a cupcake decorating station with a minimal cost ($2.50 + tax). Otherwise, the event is free.

Image via Amazon

1 comment

  1. I am visiting from Weekend Social Mix Blog Hop. Enjoyed your blog. Not too interested in the American Girls, I have no little girls around but went through several other posts. Very interesting. I have young grandsons, always looking for ideas!

