My 8-year-old daughter is pretty good at remembering some chores, others not so much. Overall, we are pretty satisfied by how much she helps. Of course, every day is a new day! Some days, she is more willing to help than others. But, as she grows older, I see her remembering more of her chores on her own. She actually has been coming up with some on her own as well! {Which is great if her ideas are not too ambitious!}
Here are some chore ideas that we have:
- Make bed in the morning.
- Put dirty clothes in the laundry.
- Take clothes out of dryer. (She has been helping with this since toddler-hood.)
- Put clean clothes away. (You do need to excuse neatness with this one for awhile.)
- After returning from school, empty lunch box and put dishes to be washed in the sink.
- Help put dishes away if needed.
- Tidy shoes. (Not just her own, but ours as well. We are a team!)
- Neaten books. (This one sometimes takes quite awhile!)
- Clean room. (We are working on this as apparently the room does not include under the bed!)
- Feed the dogs. (With supervision since our swipers will take every swiping opportunity possible.)
- Put away homework.
- Place finished library books in designated area to be returned.
- Help prepare dinner by gathering some of the ingredients and materials.
- Set the table.
- After meals, clear plate and put in sink to be washed. Also, clean placemats and put into wash if needed.
- Straighten up desk.
- Help take care of plants.
- Put away toys. (I put this last because it is obvious. It is also obviously a difficult task to complete, if you ask any child.)
What chores do you have for your kids?
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