Weekend Windup: 14 Family Fun Ideas in the Chicago Suburbs for July 31-August 2, 2020
The weekend is nearly here and I have some ideas for safe fun this weekend! Here are my picks for this weekend! Please excuse any thing that looks rough around the edges -- I just had a website update and I am navigating some changes!:
Ongoing through September 20 Butterflies and Blooms, Chicago Botanic Garden, 10AM-5PM, reserve timed entry with Chicago Botanic Garden, tickets for event will be at ticket booth in the garden, Adults: $8, Seniors: $7, Children (3–12 yrs): $6 Children (2 and under): Free, Members receive $1 off each price Garden Plus members are free on Wednesdays, parking $30 per car
Ongoing through August 31: Ongoing through August 31: Wilmette History Mystery Tour: https://www.wilmettehistory.org/ Download clues or visit the museum for a booklet and solve a mystery! The museum is open Sunday-Thursday 1PM-4:30PM; those under 13 that solve the mystery qualify for a free Lou Malnati's personal pizza.
Ongoing Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Outdoor Tours; it is preferred that you order tickets online: https://flwright.org/
Friday, July 31:
July 31 Blackberry Farm Drive In Movie: Incredibles 2, Aurora, 8:30PM-11PM, $10 per car, must pre-register, can bring blanket and chairs, you must maintain social distance and where masks when you may be too close to those outside your household, check with website for more details
Saturday, August 1:
August 1 Nature Walks at Fullersburg Woods; 45 minute walks starting on the hour at 9AM, 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, 1PM and 2PM, $2 per person, must wear a mask and maintain 6 foot distances from others, those under 18 must be accompanied by and adult, registration not required
August 1 Backyard Yoga with Hop Along Yogi Kids Yoga, Arlington Heights, 10AM-10:30AM, $8 per class, must register, space is limited, must follow social distancing requirements, to register: https://www.hopalongyogi.com/classes
August 1 Rockin' Jewelry Making Virtual via Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art, 10AM-11AM, must pick up kit ahead of time, must register
August 1-2 Art at The Glen Art Walk, 10AM-5PM, free but registration is preferred, must maintain social distancing requirements and wear masks, please see website for more requirements: https://amdurproductions.com/event/art-at-the-glen-2020/
August 1 Feeding Time at Trailside, River Forest, 10AM, learn about resident animals during feeding time, registration is required, must fall COVID19 precautions
August 1 Virtual Scottish Festival and Highland Games, 2PM-4PM, free, pipe bands, Highland dancing, athletics and more, link: https://bit.ly/3ghuQ33
August 1 Live Music Ravinia District, Highland Park 6PM-8:30PM, Ravinia Ramblers, free
Sunday, August 2:
August 2 Chalk the Walk Obstacle Course at Belmont, Arlington Heights, 12PM-5PM, enjoy the obstacle course set up by the Arlington Heights Memorial Library Advisory Board, located at 112 N Belmont Ave
August 2 Wetland Walk, Crabtree Nature Center, Barrington, 2PM, registration is required, must follow COVID19 precautions
August 2 Live Music Ravinia District, Highland Park, 3PM-6:00PM, free, Cover Story Featuring Andy & Lisa
Need hiking ideas? Check out my list Hiking in the Chicago Suburbs.
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