A Little Time and a Keyboard: In Awe of Mother Nature Hiking Up Dynjandi in the Westfjords of Iceland

In Awe of Mother Nature Hiking Up Dynjandi in the Westfjords of Iceland

Saturday, July 23, 2022


In Awe of Mother Nature Hiking Up Dynjandi in the Westfjords of Iceland

A Series of Waterfalls at Dynjandi in Iceland's Westfjords Enchant

Exploring the Westfjords of Iceland ignited such a sense of wonder during our recent adventure. Traveling through the region, we savored spectacular view after spectacular view in raw nature. Admittedly, I was a bit skeptical that Dynjandi Waterfall would blow us away because it is one of the best-known natural attractions of the Westfjords and I tend to love the lesser known. But, WOW -- our hike was INCREDIBLE!

Many come to see the main waterfall Dynjandi -- and it is impressive. However, the Iceland preserve contains a series of striking waterfalls each unique.
Many come to see the main waterfall Dynjandi -- and it is impressive. However,
the Iceland preserve contains a series of striking waterfalls each unique.

Taking Pause at the Foot of the Series of Waterfalls at Dynjandi

When you first arrive at Dynjandi, you will notice the waterfall actually is a series of magnificent waterfalls. You can hike up pretty close to the top cascade. However, the other waterfalls definitely entice and beckon for pause. You will witness also sorts of different natural worlds while observing each waterfall.

Dynjandi means thunderous and thunderous she is!

Multiple waterfalls tumble through the rocky, moss-covered landscape at Dynjandi.
Multiple waterfalls tumble through the rocky, moss-covered landscape at Dynjandi.

We found the beginning sections of the hike to be rather gentle while still making our way up an incline. A variety of perches offer interesting views. Definitely, take time on the way up and down to just be present. 

Standing at the Foot of a 328 Foot Waterfall

A rocky perch sits at the base of Dynjandi as it falls like a spread-out bridal veil.
A rocky perch sits at the base of Dynjandi as it falls like a spread-out bridal veil.

The further we hiked, the rockier and steeper the trail got. While the hike is well worth it, if you are unable to make the steep inclines you still will find a plethora of spectacular views. The entire national preserve is magical and enchants with experiences throughout.

Eventually, we made it to the foot of Dynjandi and stood at the base of the massive 328-foot waterfall. Dynjandi appears to tumble as a well-spread-out veil rather than the thinner veils we more often see.  Absolutely spectacular!

Admiring the Breathtaking Fjord View

The calm waters of tunning Arnarfjörður take your breath away.
The calm waters of tunning Arnarfjörður take your breath away.

After hiking up to Dynjandi, you must look back and see the stunning view of Arnarfjörður. The calm waters of Arnarfjörður unfolded majestically before us bordered by the weathered, rocky escarpments. Views are incredible throughout the Westfjords and I will share more about our adventure in the coming days. In the Westfjords as well as all of Iceland, take time to be present and just soak it in. You will find magic all around.

Waterfalls at Dynjandi create their own mini worlds. This one tumbles in several threads into a gentle pool surrounded by verdant grass and bold yet delicate yellow flowers.
Waterfalls at Dynjandi create their own mini worlds. This one tumbles in several threads
into a gentle pool surrounded by verdant grass and bold yet delicate yellow flowers.

We meandered on our way back down absorbing the views and the moment. We were entirely away from it all at Dynjandi and wrapped and the beauty of nature both in miniature and large scale. We spent much more time at Dynjandi than we expected and it was worth it. Purely magical!

Things to Know

  • Dynjandi provides the perfect spot for a picnic. Food facilities are not available, so this gives you a great opportunity for a charming little picnic in one of the most beautiful spots in the world.
  • There is an artic tern colony on the shores of the fjord. Arctic terns can be aggressive, so admire from a distance.
  • Please stay on the paths. Vegetation in Iceland is particularly fragile.
  • You will encounter gravel roads driving to the waterfalls.
  • Bathroom facilities are available.

A Series of Waterfalls at Dynjandi in Iceland's Westfjords Enchant

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