A Little Time and a Keyboard: Escaping the Sun in The Bosque Along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque

Escaping the Sun in The Bosque Along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque

Saturday, September 30, 2023


Escaping the Sun in The Bosque Along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque -- Gorgeous Woodland Albuquerque Hike Along the Meandering River

The Bosque along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque offered us New Mexico hikes under the shade of trees during the warmest points of the day. During our recent visit to Albuquerque, we marveled at the welcome, tree-filled cover of the Bosque along the meandering Rio Grande at two different points - Rio Grande Nature Center State Park and Tingley Beach.

What is The Bosque?

Bosque means woods or forest in Spanish. In Albuquerque, "The Bosque" is a cottonwood forest bordering on the Rio Grande River. Cottonwoods, willow, and sand flats dominate the Bosque. More than 500 species of animals call the Bosque their home including porcupines, Cooper's hawks, gopher snakes, the great horned owl and New Mexico whiptail!

Rio Grande Nature Center State Park

Rio Grande Nature Center State Park initially was not part of our Albuquerque itinerary. However, we finished our morning activities with plenty of extra time. Driving around, we noted the lush forest along the Rio Grande. Since we had reached the really, really warm part of the day yet wanted to explore outside, we scouted along the river for a nature spot. We found the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park and decided to visit.

Exhibits at Rio Grande Nature Center State Park provide insight into the characteristics  of the Rio Grande and surrounding environment.
Exhibits at Rio Grande Nature Center State Park provide insight into the characteristics
 of the Rio Grande and surrounding environment.

We began our adventure at the nature center itself. The center houses exhibits about the preserve and the surrounding nature as well as an amazing viewing window. We paused and watched through the windows for at least 15 minutes totally enthralled by the antics of turtles, ducks, geese, and hummingbirds. Truly one of the best nature center observation areas I have experienced!

Wood ducks swim by as turtles bask in the sun at Rio Grande Nature Center State Park.
Wood ducks swim by as turtles bask in the sun at Rio Grande Nature Center State Park.

About 1.2 miles of hiking  trails traverse the preserve. To access the trails, you cross the Paseo del Bosque Trail which is a paved, multi-use trail passing through the Bosque. Quickly after crossing the trail, we found ourselves right in the Bosque. Porcupines can be found in the Bosque, so we kept our eyes open for one in the trees. Since porcupines eat bark, an indication of their presence is to see bark that has been removed or teeth marks on the bark. Alas, we did not see any porcupines on this visit. We will have to return!

A sandy trail heads through the trees of the Bosque in Albuquerque.  A splash of the first fall colors peek through.
A sandy trail heads through the trees of the Bosque in Albuquerque.
 A splash of the first fall colors peek through.

Soon, we spotted the Rio Grande! Truly a beautiful sight and remarkably different than the other nature we already experienced in the region. Unfortunately, the Rio Grande in Albuquerque has been suffering due to climate change. The Rio Grande starts in the Colorado Rockies and makes its way down to provide a vital source of water to New Mexico. While the climate in Albuquerque is arid, increasing warmth and aridity combined with a lack of rain this summer caused the Rio Grande to dry up in spots in the city not too long before our visit. This was the second time the river dried up 40 years -- the previous was last year. (For more, read: It's a dry heat: Albuquerque flirting with record aridity and 100-degree days in Albuquerque Journal)

The Rio Grande River flowing through the Bosque or woodlands at  Rio Grande Nature Center State Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The Rio Grande River flowing through the Bosque or woodlands at
 Rio Grande Nature Center State Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The section we spotted was flowing and peaceful. If you look closely, you should see a few egrets enjoying the river as well. A beautiful scene! We actually hiked at Petroglyph National Monument earlier in the day, so after wandering the desert environment at Petroglyph NM we felt relief exploring the Bosque and winding along the Rio Grande.

Before leaving, we did pause to soak in the Sandia Mountains rising above the preserve. Spectacular! 

Please note that a day pass is required. You can conveniently purchase it at the entrance. Additionally, the nature center has a gift shop if you are looking for unique gifts.

Sandia Mountains from Rio Grande Nature Center State Park.
Sandia Mountains from Rio Grande Nature Center State Park.
Tingley Beach

We also traversed a network of trails at Tingley Beach along the Rio Grande. Tingley Beach features fishing ponds that are available to the public. Visitors also can boat and picnic at this river oasis.

Viewing the gently flowing Rio Grande from a sandy, long grass framed overlook at Tingley Beach in Albuquerque.
Viewing the gently flowing Rio Grande from a sandy, long grass framed
overlook at Tingley Beach in Albuquerque.

Tingley Beach offers access to a variety of trails with views of the Rio Grande. There also is an overlook with a wonderful view. We enjoyed pausing a bit to observe the river at different points. Despite the area being quite popular with plenty of other walkers, we spotted quite a few birds.

Sandy trails weave throughout Tingley Beach offering a respite under the trees of the Bosque. Cottonwoods and willows border the trail.
Sandy trails weave throughout Tingley Beach offering a respite under the trees of the Bosque. Cottonwoods and willows border the trail.

Tingley Beach is actually part of the larger ABQ BioPark which includes a zoo, botanic garden, and aquarium. Additionally, the park is along the Paseo del Bosque. We explored for a little nature inspiration before heading to the airport for our return flight home. Tingley Beach provided a wonderful little outdoor experience before our afternoon of travel.

Admission to Tingley Beach is free as of this writing.

We capped off our visit smiling while watching ducks frolicking in the Children's Pond. A sweet end to our visit!

We loved both of our Rio Grande adventures! Traveling through the Albuquerque area from spot to spot, every time we encountered the Bosque the striking change in environment just beckoned for a visit. I am glad that we took out some time to experience this unique part of nature in Albuquerque!

Escaping the Sun in The Bosque Along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque -- Gorgeous Woodland Albuquerque Hike Along the Meandering River

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